
Author Profile

Pen Name: Rock Goddess

Email: send an email to this author

Rock Goddess’s favorite stories


- BEX -

. Is just here to happily and humbly post her work and enjoy other people's as well.

. Is open-minded and accepting of difference, individuality and new ideas.

. Is opinionated and proud to stand up for what she believes in.

. Will gladly listen to what other's have to say in order to gain a broader, more mature way of thinking.

. Will not tolerate discrimination or uncalled-for insults and put downs.

. Can't stand people who think they have power over others when they're merely just like the rest.

. Is always willing to talk to someone new and make friends.

. Is here for support and confidence boosting.

. Writing journal - http://www.livejournal.com/users/_disappear_

. AIM - RockGoddessLP

. LPU - RockGoddessLP

"Support, love and peace, be active in breaking down divisions and stereotypes, and help those who are in need."

- Mike Shinoda.

Writing is passion not fashion.


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Category: Linkin Park

Description: "My boyfriend's hotter than yours" Slash. Surprise pairing. Standalone. Dialogue only.

Genre: Comedy

User Rating: PG

Created on 2004-04-19

Updated on 2004-04-19

Chapters: 1

Reviews: 35

Words: 30

Views: 2454

Members Rating: (0)


Category: Linkin Park

Description: Mike isn't the tough emcee we're all tricked into believing he is. He hides a secret fear to a srtong, dark liquid. Mike being a little nutter - I know you all like it... One Chapter - Mike and Chester - Rated for implying 'sexual themes'.

Genre: Comedy

User Rating: PG-13

Created on 2003-05-05

Updated on 2003-05-05

Chapters: 1

Reviews: 11

Words: 10

Views: 2358

Members Rating: (1)

Day Off

Category: Linkin Park

Description: What exactly do Mike and Chester get up to on a rare day off? Sunshine, painting fences, Mike without a shirt and Sesame Street characters. If that sounds interesting to you, read. Short Fic - Mike and Chester slash - Rated PG-13 for 'implied sexual themes'.

Genre: Love & Romance

User Rating: PG-13

Created on 2003-05-07

Updated on 2003-05-07

Chapters: 1

Reviews: 11

Words: 11

Views: 2605

Members Rating: (2)

I'm The Fattest

Category: Linkin Park

Description: "Do you think I have a fat ass?" "I don’t know, let me check."

Genre: Comedy

User Rating: PG-13

Created on 2004-06-28

Updated on 2004-06-28

Chapters: 1

Reviews: 16

Words: 12

Views: 2582

Members Rating: (3)

Take Five

Category: Linkin Park

Description: A short tale about the events Mike and Chester happened to get up to on the set of the One Step Closer video. These two vocalists aren't as innocent as they seem... Chester's mysterious shirt-change stunt is solved along the way. [The inevitable - M/C slash]

Genre: Love & Romance

User Rating: NC-17

Created on 2003-08-18

Updated on 2003-08-18

Chapters: 1

Reviews: 19

Words: 17

Views: 3523

Members Rating: (5)

Teddy Bear

Category: Linkin Park

Description: Short. Cute. If the thought of Mike all sleepy and talking incoherently intrigues you, read. One chapter only - Mike and Chester - Rated PG for language.

Genre: Comedy

User Rating: PG

Created on 2003-05-03

Updated on 2003-05-03

Chapters: 1

Reviews: 26

Words: 16

Views: 3395

Members Rating: (2)

Stories 1 to 6 of 6