

Broken Bones by shinobi

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From: SilentPainKillers

Date: 2004-06-17

Chapter: 25

ARGH! ::glares:: you're evil. Pure evil.

Excellent chapter. <3 More asap

From: prissygirl

Date: 2004-06-13

Chapter: 20

UPDATE SOON !!!!!!!!!!

From: BubbleSquat

Date: 2004-06-01

Chapter: 20


It took me days but I read ALL of this story!

1. Perfect grammer

2. Perfect spelling

3. GREAT descriptions

4. Love their personalities

5. Great story line

6. The cliffhangers are killing me! Best I've ever read

7. The length of the chapters, wow! I couldn't write one that long if you stuck me infront of a computer for 7 days.

8. I like the way you focus on the other things besides the main point, like rob and Brad's fight and stuff.

9. You're great at updating considering the length of your chapters.

10. Best angst EVER!

you're getting 24 cupcakes.

From: HR

Date: 2004-05-27

Chapter: 20

late review #34067.5

Okay. i really don't know how to start the review on this. I mean, been waiting for it for so long and it's like, being frikking drenched in emotional angst (as well as their tears, which just seem to be endless.) That's where i'm gonna start, tears. There's so much of them, Mike just can't stop, he's crying from the overwhelming emotion of finally revealing this to Chester, hurting his lover and the fear of what's going to happen next if Dave ever finds out he's told. And Chester's crying in his way as well cause he can't believe this has happened to Mike and that he never saw and just imagining everything Mike had probably gone through. It's so realistic in that sense.

Now Mike's fear and paranoia. Definitely has no disappeared just because he's told Chester. He's petrified of the conscequences of what he's said, even more so when Rob disappears. And when the mention of police comes, he's not strong enough to do that anymore because Dave took away all that strength. There's hysterica when he explains about how Dave slit his wrists which also shows how scared he is, mirrored by how desperately Chester wants that to stop. Once again, very powerful. When he says those words to the disbelieving Joe that he's been raped beaten and he may be broken and dirty but he can't be made to go to the police...that was a good line. Like Mike's final stand.

And Mike's fit in the bathroom. Very realistic because as it's told from his point of view, we can only see and hear and feel what he does. So the blurred images, the muffled voices and the feeling of being carried, the wetting himself (which in my eyes is just adorable for some reason...call me whack, lol) So from that, you can feel how scared he was by what was happening to him as well.

All in all, jam packed full of nice chunks of angst. It's like crying...period of calmness, crying hysteria and soothing down again to when they're falling asleep and Mike's trying to keep calm. you know, i'd be reassured by that ending where Mike's asking Chester to hold him close and never let him go and Chester does so; it shows that they're together. Then you say that it's not gonna have a happy ending and that doesn't keep me comfortable. I can only imagine what will happen, if Dave's gonna do something cause Rob found him or what Brad has to say about this considering he hasn't even been in the chapter yet...so, how long till the next chapter! hehe

From: HybridTheory


Date: 2004-05-27

Chapter: 20

I don't think I've ever reviewed this fic and I feel so bad...

I'm anxiously waiting for the last chapter. Are you gonna kill Dave? mwahahahaa*evil laugh*

Update soon!!!!

From: Emerald Amber


Date: 2004-05-22

Chapter: 20

Oh God!

My heart is missing a beat... I´m torn into a vengeful Rob and a concerned Chester. But one thing is certain, I´m crying like Mike!

This chapter is magnificent! Congrats love!

Emerald A.

From: the flaming redhead


Date: 2004-05-22

Chapter: 20

>>sobs uncontrollably<<


why have i never read this before?

this is a fucking wonderful story. i dont know why ive never read it. well, its on my favourite stories list now. im so damn eager to know what happens my left foot hurts. and you know its a good omen when your left foot hurts. update soon or shall perish. or better yet, dont update soon. see, if you take longer itll mean youre cooking up something good. so...ill be waiting.

mush on!!

From: Shadow Star


Date: 2004-05-20

Chapter: 19

I can't wait for the next update!! This is like the best fic on this entire site!! I hope you write more soon! ^_^

From: ShadowGraffiti

Date: 2004-05-20

Chapter: 19


Took me 3 days... but I read the whole thing...

I was supposed to be studying exams, yea... but I don't give a fuck. It was too damn good.

Shit i gotta study for History tomorrow...

But first, I need to leave a somewhat sensible review:

I'm gonna fucking kill Dave (oh yea, that was real sensible...). I love PhePhe to death... but in this story, I'm ready to kill him. It's amazing... I'm never going to be able to call him Dave again, because every time, I get this mental image of Phoenix with spiked hair, goteague, bloodshot eyes, really pissed off, walking down the street... it scares the crap out of me! *hugs bald PhePhe* This is gonna live with me a long time....

The way you describe everything is just so... so... so... perfect! It's amazing how you can describe the simplest emotions in such an eloquent way, sucking me in and making me feel everything Mike feels. This is to the point where I literally had a dream that I was Mike, Dave was Dave, and my boyfriend was Chaz.... i woke up in tears. I don't cry... ever. That is how much you have affected me. You and .ray's 'Endless Sorrow' are the only two stories that have ever done this to me!!!

The descriptions are so beautiful. I can imagine everything... like Mike's fit there? I got dizzy reading it, and suddenly, i regret having ate lunch... This story has been on my mind constantly, and it has to be incredible if I'mm reading it instead of studying like I should be. On Tuesday night, I had my English book open on my desk so that I could read your story, but whenever my parents walked in, I could pretend to be studying. That is desperate!!!

You are amazing *bows down to Shinobi* Incredible. Unbelievable. I can't think of anything else to say...

Except 'update'. Yeah. Update.


From: Hayley C

Date: 2004-05-19

Chapter: 19

that was amazing!! update soon

From: Akira'sBliss


Date: 2004-05-19

Chapter: 19

OMG OMG OMG you updated!! Mike? THat was a bit fucking scary,seizure or something? Whew emosexual, hehe awesome job

From: ***meep!


Date: 2004-05-19

Chapter: 19

Jeez, I hope you sort this one out for a happy ending. it's so sad to see our Mike suffer the way he has, he deserves a resolution! :)

From: Oz LP fan

Date: 2004-05-18

Chapter: 19

hey i love this chapter and this story pleaase update!

From: SuicidalManiac1987

Date: 2004-05-18

Chapter: 19

mike is such a wimp. dave should kill him.

From: Franchizzle

Date: 2004-05-18

Chapter: 19

I just read through this all, contrary to my firm belief in not reading non-completed fics because I'm impaitient, and I'm almost utterly speechless. With the amount of completely wretched stories on this site, this one shines through. It's amazing. Beautiful. Words can't even express. Great job. Seriously. I can't even say all I love about it, I'm too dumbfounded. I look forward to the next chapter... you're an amazing author, I must say.

From: I have no pen name

Date: 2004-05-18

Chapter: 19

i reviewed on LJ just now & all i want 2 say on here is:


cud u possibly email ur earlier stories coz i'm unable 2 read them on ur LJ, thankies

luv Anneka xxxx

From: Ambrosia

Date: 2004-05-18

Chapter: 19

im torn between letting rob kill the bastard, and rob coming home safe and them going to the cops lol update soon, i cant wait much longer to find out!

From: SilentPainKillers

Date: 2004-05-18

Chapter: 19

awesome chapter. Update soon please :)

From: 3v1L 3Lm0

Date: 2004-05-18

Chapter: 19

WOO! Update soon, biatch!

From: Lintu

Date: 2004-05-18

Chapter: 19

I jumped from joy when i saw that you udated.

Reading this chapter was so amazing! You totally saved my day with that update!


Reviews 101 to 120 of 443