
Category Linkin Park

Addicted by Mins2MidniteLP

Chapter 1

I met him on the night of his 21st birthday. I watched his life spiral downhill from there...


Sam sorted through her closet, stressing out about what to wear. It was the day after my semester finals, and I was free for a few months. We were going to celebrate. Just Sam and I. Sam had met this guy, Brad, at The Roxy. They chatted for some time until Brad invited her to a party he was holding at he and a roommate's apartment. She said yes without thinking about our plans.

"I'm sorry, Anna. You will have fun though. Its a friend of his birthday, and there will be beer, and guys. That's what you wanted,

right?" She asked as she tried to convince me to cheer up.

"No, Sam. Its not! I wanted just You, Me, and Elisa. Now I have to be around drunk sniffling boys all night."

Sam sighed, "maybe you can get laid too. Probably why you're so cranky..." she said under her breath.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, I didn't say anything!" she said as she pulled a shirt from a hanger and held it up to her torso in the mirror. "What do you think?" She asked.

"I think you will get raped in that top." I said.

"Perfect!" She said as she removed the top she was wearing and replaced it with the other...

"I hadn't meant that in a good way, Sam... Do you want to get raped? Cause that happens at these college parties sometimes. Its what college boys do." This was my last attempt to change her mind.

"Anna, please... That doesn't happen unless you let it. Besides, I'll have you there to keep watch over me."

I huffed... "Not unless I fake sick and don't go."

She laughed, "Anna, that only works if you don't tell me you're faking. That's how faking works." She said with a wink.

"You're sick!" I said as I laid back on her bed.

She walked over to me, "get up! For once in your life don't be such a goody two shoes. Let's get drunk, make out with some random guys, then go home." She slapped my hip as she finished her sentence, like it was supposed to emphasize a point.

It worked.... "I am NOT a goody two shoes. You know I hate that. I just don't feel like going out tonight..."

"But you look..." she paused as she looked in confusion at my outfit. "Like a nun..." she sighed. She went to her closet and pulled out an outfit. "Here! Put this on." She handed it to me then began applying eyeliner to her makeup.

"Um, no... I'll go change if you want me to, but I'm not wearing that. Besides, its too cold out." I said, trying to make sense.

Sam sighed, "Fine, but hurry up! Should have left already..."

I got up and went to my room. I stripped my black long sleeve shirt off and my sweatpants. My closet was one of the things I was proud of. I spent way too much of my school pension on shoes, though. I selected a peach sheer lace tank top, my good skinny jeans, my black ankle booties, and a black long sleeve leather short jacket. I took my hair down from its bun and tossled it with hairspray before putting in some earrings. Sam came in then.

"That's more like it. Let's go!" She said as she spun, her colored blonde hair whipping behind her.


We drove for what seemed like an hour before we got to the address that Sam had scribbled on a post it. We found a parking spot a few blocks away and walked. The party wasn't packed, but the street was. These apartments were popular for being cheap to students. We approached the apartment complex when Sam spotted Brad.

"Hey!" She threw her hand up and waved. He waved back and smiled a huge smile. He had short curly hair, and he was handsome, but very skinny.

"Sam, right?" He asked.

"Yea! This is Anna. My other friend, Elisa should already be inside."

He nodded, "yea she is. Go right in. Here's a flier, have fun!" He said as he smiled at both of us as he made eye contact.

We stepped through the door, and before doing so I knew it was going to be a long night. The music was very loud, there were already someone fighting in the living room, and a couple dry humping on the stairs.


Sam smiled as we entered. "Isn't this great!?!?!" She said excitedly. Just then some guy and girl came from the kitchen in nothing but their underwear, screaming as they ran up the stairs, obviously drunk.

"Yea... Just fantastic!" I said sarcastically. Sam laughed and grabbed a pre-mixed drink from the counter. I stopped her, "don't drink that one. Make your own. That's probably a roofy..." Sam reluctantly put it back down.

She smiled back at me, "See? that's why I love ya. You're a smart thinker..." she said as she made her way to the kitchen. At the bar there were two guys chatting, one with bleach blonde curls, very lanky, with thick framed glasses. The other had dark hair, kind of long, a stronger build then the other. He had a T-shirt on with a black band around his forearm. Sam nudged past them to the drinks. I saw the blonde nudge the arm band guy as they watched Sam.

Sam began pouring all different kinds of liquor into the solo cup. The blonde laughed... "Whoa!! Chill little one. Let me make you a drink." Be said as he nearly shoved his friend out of the way to get to Sam. She turned to see his smiling face, and got the biggest cheesiest grin on her face I had ever seen from her. He smiled back and poured her a drink. He handed it to her, and she took a drink as he took one from his cup, the two never breaking eye contact. They smiled at one another.

"I'm Chester!" He shouted over the music as he held his hand out for her to shake.

She took his hand, "I'm Samantha! Nice to meet you." He smiled at her.

"You wanna dance??" He shouted again.

"Yes!" She said above the music. He grabbed her drink and set it beside his other friend.

"Watch our drinks, Phoenix!" He said as he grabbed Sam's hand to lead her to the dancing area. She smiled at me as they walked past.

Great... I love being by myself...

"Dave! You seen Chester??" I turned to Chester's friend as another walked up asking for him.

"He's dancing with some chick." The guy named Dave said.

The other one nodded. Then he turned away from Dave and we met eyes.

I stared for a split second, then looked away and at my feet.

"Excuse me? Is that your friend?" He asked from behind me. I looked back at him. He was pointing to Sam.

"Yea..." I said loudly, just as the song ended for another to begin. My voice could be heard in the entire room. My cheeks reddened. I looked back at him with embarrassment to see him smiling.

God he was gorgeous! His hair was cherry red, his eyes were dark, and his smile big and friendly.

"I'm Mike!" He shouted over the new song as he held his hand out for me to shake.

I hesitated, but then took his hand. "I'm Anna!"

He smiled again... God stop doing that!

"Nice to meet you. Are you from Pasadena?" He asked referring to the school.

"Yea, just finished a semester..." I said.

"I just graduated..." he said with a smile.

"Congrats." I said, trying not to sound too enthusiastic. He smiled again.

"Anna!" Sam shouted at me from across the room. She motioned for me to join her.

"See ya." I said back at Mike as I went to Sam.

She grabbed my hand and led me through the dancing bodies in the room. We stopped by the stairs. "This flier Brad gave us... its Chester's band. They are playing tonight at a small venue at The Roxy. Can we go??? Please, please, please???" She begged. I laughed at her antics and enthusiasm.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "I guess..." I said with a grin. She got excited and jumped up and down.

"Yay! I'll go tell him!" She took off across the dance floor. I spotted Elisa across the way. I weaved between people to her.

"Hey," I waved as I got close. She saw me and smiled, perking up a bit.

"Hey girl! Didn't think you would come tonight!" She said, a drink in her hand.

I grinned, "You know Sam. She threatened to get drunk and strip if I didn't come." Elisa laughed.

"Anna, this is Brad, Brad this is Anna." Elisa said, her arm wound in his.

I smiled, "We met..." I said. Elisa just nodded.

"You should chill. Get a drink!" Brad shouted.

"I might..." I said, as I headed for the kitchen.

I came in where Dave was still standing. He spotted me and smiled, his upper half leaned against the wall. He was obviously a bit tipsy. "You want a drink?!" He shouted to me.

I smiled, "Sure!" I made my way to him as he started my drink. He poured in some vodka, orange juice, and a bit of red syrup then handed it to me.

"Here ya go!" He said, a grin on his face. I took it graciously, then sniffed it before taking a sip. He smiled. "Ya like it!?"

I nodded, "What is it?" I asked as I crunched a piece of ice.

"Vodka sunrise!" He said.

"Finally drinking I see!?" I turned to see Mike there beside me again. Dave kind of drifted off back to the wall.

"Yea..." I said.

"You never mentioned what you're going to college for..." He shouted.

"You never asked." I replied. He smiled then leaned closer. I could feel and smell his breath on my cheek. It smelt slightly of beer, but definitely not unpleasant.

"What are you going to college for, Anna?" He asked, a sly grin on his face.

"Communications..." I said. He nodded.

"That's what Brad graduated with.."

"What about you, Mike?" I asked, using his first name like he did mine.

He chuckled, "Graphic Design and Illustrations. Top of my class!" He said with a cheeky grin.

"Nice..." I simply said.

We were quiet for a moment, just watching everyone dancing. He broken our silence first.

"You want to go upstairs? Not for... uhm.... what everyone else is up there for. I have some art that I wanted to show you." He shouted.

I smiled at his meekness. "Sure!" I found myself saying. He grabbed my hand and led me to the stairs. I saw Sam on the way there, talking with Chester in the corner. She smiled and saw Mike, then gave me the thumbs up. I just shook my head and looked to my feet so I wouldn't trip on my way up the stairs.

He stopped at a door and knocked. There was no response so he went in. The room was dim, the walls covered with snippets from magazines and little doodles. A few clippets of half naked girls too. He got embarrassed when he saw the half naked girls, as if for the first time.

"Uhm... Those are for... inspiration..." he said quickly. I just nodded, a grin on my face as I looked at him. He smiled. "You can sit on the bed if you want." He said as he pointed to his bed.

At least his room was spotless. I sat at the edge of the bed as he rummaged through a drawer of the dresser. He found what he was after, then closed the drawer. He flipped open the binder then sat beside me on the bed.

Inside were a lot of marker and pen drawings. The lines were very precise and clean. There was a Asian woman in a kimono, some koi fish, and a marker sketch of a soldier holding a flag.

"These are really good" I said as I touched the soldier drawing.

"Thanks... we are going to put that on our cover."

"Your cover?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yea, that's what the flier was for. My band..."

I nodded in understanding. "Oh, with Chester!" I said.

"Yea. That's what the party is for. And its my birthday." He said as he flipped the page.

"Oh! Well happy birthday!" I said, my eyebrows raised as I turned to him.

"Thanks..." he said. "I'm 21... Which means at some point tonight I get 21 kisses from a stranger..." he said, another cheeky grin on his face. "What do you say?"

I couldn't help but smile. I kissed him quickly on the cheek. He smiled at me then, both of us looking at one another. Then he leaned forward and kissed me.

Nothing crazy, just a sweet kiss. It ended as fast as it started.

"It doesn't count unless its on the mouth." He said.

I smiled and nodded as I looked back to his drawings. I could still feel his eyes on me though. I spotted a drawing of a robotic looking character. "This one's good", I said. He looked down at the one I was pointing to.

"Yea, high school drawing..." be said as he flipped the page.

"You've been drawing a while huh?" I asked as I flipped through the book.

"Yea, since I was like... five."

He smelt so good...

"What about you? Any hobbies?" His asked as he sat back on the bed bracing on his hands.

I gulped noticeably, "yea, I love to write..."

He smiled and raised an eyebrow, "what do you write?"

"Uh.... novels. Just for fun. I don't think I'm good enough to make a living doing it." I said as I fidgeted with the corner of the binder.

"I bet you are..." he said with a smile and a wink. I smiled back.

"I should get back to Samantha. Make sure she's okay." I said as I stood.

"She was with Chester, she's okay." He said as he stood too, which made me nervous.

"Yea but, Sam tends to not know what her drinking limit is. She'll either throw up on everything or dance on a table and strip. Both of which she ends up regretting. But thanks for showing me your drawings, they are beautiful" I said as I opened the bedroom door.

"Are you going to the after party tonight? At the Roxy..." he asked.

"Uhm... yea. I might be there." I said nonchalantly. He smiled and grabbed the door handle over my hand and pulled it shut, me still inside his room, the door drawing me closer. He leaned down with his spiked hair and kissed me. He put his free hand around my waist and drew against him.

God he smelled so good.

He drew me so close to him, I could feel his leg between mine, rubbing up against me ever so slightly through my jeans. I tried not to moan out loud like I wanted to. Instead I put my hand on his chest and pushed away slightly, enough to look at him and break the kiss.

He smiled, "I hope I see you there..." with that, he twisted the knob and slowly opened the door.

I waved before walking down the stairs.

Sam was still with Chester. They were leaned against where I left them. Sam saw me as I came down the stairs and she waved. Chester nodded and half smiled at me, a lip ring in his bottom lip that I hadn't noticed before. He seemed sexy in a raunchy sort of way. Sam gravitated to those kinds of guys.

"Did you have fun up there?" Chester asked me as In stepped off the bottom step.

"Sure..." I said nonchalant-like. Chester smirked at me. "You ready to go Sam?"

She looked up at Chester, "give me a sec," she said as she stepped closer to me. "I thought we were going to The Roxy??" She asked in a whisper.

"I can't tonight, I just want to go home." I was a little nervous about everything, and I was worried Mike would come looking for me. He was great, but I barely knew him and I got an uneasy feeling around him. Sam leaned in closer and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asked referring to my being upstairs with Mike.

I nodded, "Yea, no I'm fine. Just real tired, and I think I may have had too much to drink already." I was lying of course, I had only had one drink.

"Well... I think I'm going to ride over to The Roxy with Chester. Is that okay with you? You go home, I'll manage."

I sighed, "Sam I can't leave you. You barely know this guy." I said .

"I know, but... He's kind... don't worry about me, go." She said as she nudged my arm. I hesitated, but Chester put his arm around her waist and nodded at me again.

"She'll be okay. I'll take care of her. Here's my number. Just call if you need to, she'll have my phone." He said as he handed me a piece of paper. I took it and opened it, looking at the number before putting it in my pocket.

"Fine, but you don't try nothing funny, buddy." I said, dead serious.

Sam sighed, "okay, mom... go!" I smiled at her and she smiled back before giving me a hug. I made a break for the door before Mike came down the stairs.


It was nearly 4am before the front door opened and Sam came in. She waved back at the street, before walking in and closing the door. She pulled her heels off and came into the living room where I was.

She snickered when she saw me. "You missed one HELL of a party!" She plopped down on the chair, exhausted as she rubbed her sore feet.

"So you had fun?" I asked, not feeling so above the weather.

"Yea... They performed for about thirty minutes, then Chester and I went out to his car and had a performance of our own..." she said, a grin on her face.

"Oh my god! You lost it to him!?" I shouted, sitting up from the chair I was sleeping in.

Sam laughed, "he's so sweet, Anna. And a gentleman." She said.

"Well apparently not if he did it for your first time in the back seat of his car!" I said, throwing a small pillow at her.

"The front seat of his car, thank you. And maybe you would have had the same luck if you went. Mike was looking for you."

I sighed, "great!" I said with exasperation.

"I thought you liked him..." Sam said, confused.

I winced. "He is cute, don't get me wrong. And he's a great kisser, but..."

Sam cut me off, "you kissed him?!?! When did this go down??" She asked excitedly.

I smiled, "when we were in his bedroom. He said he was 21 today, and was going to get 21 kisses from 21 different strangers. So I kissed his cheek. Then he kisses me on the mouth! Without even asking. When I tried to leave, he pretty much pinned me to the door."

"Oh my god! No wonder you wanted to leave!" Sam said.

"No, it wasn't like he was trying to rape me... it was just a bit nerve wrecking being alone in the room with someone I had met like two seconds before." I said.

Sam nodded in understanding. "Well, he got his 21 alright... not from several different people either. He was sucking faces with this chick the whole time!" Sam said as she stood up and turned on the TV.

"Really?" I asked. Why did that sting so bad? Why would he seem so interested in me, then just forget like that?

Sam nodded as she began to drift to sleep. "Sam!! Go shower, don't fall asleep down here." I said. She snapped up and drug herself from the couch and up the stairs. I got up and followed, going to my bed to sleep for a few hours. I had some things I had to do...

Around 8am my alarm went off. I had to go to the school. There was a letter in the mail letting me know about next semesters classes. It said something about a transfer. I had to sort it all out.

I dressed for success, wearing a nice blouse, and black jeans, with some sensible heels. I wore my hair back in a ponytail. I grabbed my keys, transcript, and purse then headed out the door.

I stopped at my favorite cafe and got a latte and an egg white muffin. I ate on my way there. My coffee was too hot to drink. I parked as close as I could to the administration building, and got out, locking up behind me.

"Anna?!" Someone shouted from behind me. I turned to see Mike running to me.

"Hi." I said. I was a bit surprised to see him.

"Hey! What happened to you last night?" He asked as he strode alongside me.

"Uhm... I had drank too much. Sorry..." I said as I rushed to get to the building.

"Oh... I thought maybe I upset you..." he said.

I smiled at him, "no... I had to get up early, so I went home."

"Okay... well, it was fun. Sorry you couldn't make it." He said as he tried to keep up with me.

"Yea, me too. Look, Mike I'm late to meet with my advisor, maybe I'll see you around." I said as I rushed to the door. He got there before me and opened it for me.

"See you around!" He shouted at me as I ascending the stairs to the second floor.


"So essentially, what this means Anna, is that for your last two semesters you need to transfer to Phoenix University. That's where the program is being held." That's what my advisor told me.

Seriously??? I was descending the stairs to the administration building to leave. How did I not get informed about this until now. The mentor that I was assigned to is in Arizona, that's where my temp job will be for the last two semesters of my college life. I opened the door to the building and walked to my car. I looked up from my thoughts, and saw Mike, leaned against the hood of my car. His red hair was still blinding even in the sunlight.

"Hi" he said as he leaned off my car.

"Hi." I said as I walked around him to the driver's side door.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked, a grin on his adorable face.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked, a little out of breath.

"Yes." He said. I looked to him, my brows raised. He smiled and chuckled, "I'm kidding." He said. "You okay?" He asked, sensing my mood.

"Yea... Just found out I have to transfer to Arizona for my last two semesters." I said. "But I'm good..."

His face changed, "they didn't tell you that in the beginning?" He asked.

"Nope. Just sent a letter in the mail stating the date and location for my orientation in Phoenix, Arizona."

He sighed, looking away and then back again as if annoyed, "you didn't transfer to avoid me?" He asked. He sounded a little angry.

I looked at him, surprised he would ask that. He noticed my shock and softened, "I'm sorry. Just feels like you're avoiding me..."

I chuckled, "well, it feels like you're stalking me." I said as unlocked my car door.

"I'm not. I just... Couldn't stop thinking about you after last night. I wanted to see if you wanna get lunch or coffee?" He half asked, half stated.

I smiled, "I'm sorry. I got to get home and figure out what I'm doing with my life. You have fun though." I said as I climbed in my car and closed the door, locking it. I turned the engine over and backed out, and into the main highway.


When I got home, Sam's car was there still, and another small white car was there. I unlocked the door and walked in. Her and Chester were on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey!" She called.

I came in almost in tears, "they are transferring me! For my last semester... They are transferring me to Arizona for a year!" I said. Chester let go of his hold around Sam's shoulder as Sam stood.

"Really? Why?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. It must have been it my manuscript and I hadn't seen it." I said as I sat at the chair confused.

Chester spoke, "I think they pick you a job at random. But you should be able to go in and request a different mentor. That's what Mike did."

At the mention of Mike's name, my stomach flipped. But Chester leaned forward, serious... "You can find a mentor anywhere, but they range by location. In Arizona you'd make money, at your temp job. But you can request one closer to home."

"Well there you go!" Sam said excitedly.

I sighed, "maybe... Thank you Chester, I'll see." Chester smiled as of he had just won the lottery.

"Besides, Mike would be heartbroken if you left," he said in Shakespearian accent, jokingly.

"OK, seriously?? What is his deal??" I asked, a little annoyed.

Chester got serious. "How do you mean?" He sat forward.

"He was at the school when I went to speak to my advisor. I went in at 10, got out at noon, and he was still there waiting for me. Is he a stalker?" I asked.

Chester chuckled, "Really? That's funny. I don't know, he's usually pretty chill when it come to girls." Sam was laughing incredulously.

I shook my head, "We'll he's freaking me out..."

Chester just laughed...


Sam came into my room after I had gotten off the phone with my advisor.

"Hey, Chazz and I are going out, you wanna come?"

I shook my head no. "I'm waiting on a call back. She's trying to find me another temp job." I said.

Sam smiled, "oh, so she can arrange something else?" She asked.

"Hopefully." I said looking at my phone again.

"Well we can wait to go out, and if it's good news, then we can celebrate!" She said excitedly.

I sighed "Sure... Why not. I could use a drink." I said as I laid back on my bed.

Sam left my room just as my phone rang.

"Hello, Anna speaking".

"Hello Anna, this is Becky. I spoke with a few people, and I may have a job for you closer in Santa Monica. That's the best I can do."

I nodded, "okay, I'll have to let you known if that's something I can do." I said, nervously.

" Okay, Anna. Just get back to me as soon as you can." My advisor said.

"Okay... thank you Becky!" I said.

"You're welcome, have a good evening."

I hung up. I got up from my spot on my bed and went downstairs where Sam and Chester was.

"Okay! Let's go out!" I said as I made for the door.


We finally arrived to the club. It was a bit late, but I didn't care. I wanted to drink something. I went right to bar and ordered a Dirty Martini.

"Extra dirty, please." I said as I rubbed my temples.

"Rough day?" Without looking up I knew who it was. I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Hi, Chad... Long time no see..." I said, running my temples harder. He chuckled beside me.

"You haven't seen me in a month and that's the greeting I get. I thought you would miss me more then that."

I laughed, "We both know that thinking was never your forte, Chad...!"

"What the fuck! What the hell is your problem?" He asked, clearly offended.

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe it's cause the last time I saw you you were screwing your assistant in my bed..." I said as I turned to face him, my drink in hand.

"I apologized for that. And you begged me to take you back afterwards when I left for Florida." He said, his voice rising.

"It was a moment of weakness, I was drunk I can assure you that. That's the only reason anyone would want you, even your assistant was out of her mind drunk!" I spat at him with anger. His face changed to that fiery look that he always gave me before he would control and lay a hand on me. I flinched back out of reflex, spilling my drink a bit. He grabbed my arm and jerked hard, my martini glass slipping from my fingers.

"Let her go!" Mike came up between Chad and I, pushing Chad away at his chest.

Chad responded immediately, getting right in Mike's face. "Oh, is she your bitch now?? Have fun with my sloppy seconds..." Chad said as he looked at me then back to Mike.

"Yea, walk away Fucker..." Mike said at Chad's back.

"What did you saw to me, Asswipe?" He spun back on Mike, and Mike responded quickly by standing his ground. "You better back off, I'll kick your high ass before you know what hit ya.." Chad said.

Chester came up beside Mike, looking crazed and angry. Chad pointed his finger in Mike's face in a warning... "Try it! I beg you, try it!"

I should have stepped in a long time ago. "Mike, its fine. I'm okay. Chad, just go home. You're drunk." I said as I stepped between them. Mike was fuming, ready to start it with Chad any second. But he backed down first. There was a look in his eyes that I had never seen on anyone. Chad laughed as Mike backed down.

"Wise choice, high mutherfucker..." He laughed then walked away. Chester turned and looked at Mike.

"Dude, are you high?!" He asked incredulously. Mike looked away and to the floor.

"No! That pussy don't know what he's talking about." He said as he started to walk away. Chester grabbed his arm and would not let him go.

"Let me see! Mike stop!" He grabbed onto Mike tighter and grabbed his collar as he looked at his face. He shoved Mike hard in the chest, nearly knocking him over backward. "You're high!! I don't believe this, Mike!"

Sam came over to Chester now. "Hey Chaz, its okay!" She said S she grabbed his elbow.

Chester pulled away and pushed Mike toward the exit. "No its not! Come on Mike, we are going home!" Sam followed, leaving me standing there in the aftermath.

I grabbed my purse and paid the bill and followed them out.

Chester had just gotten Mike into the car when we got there. Mike was still angry about Chad.

"I could have whooped that bitches ass. He has nothing on me!" He said, feeling the high from whatever he was on.

"Except he had at least 40 pounds on you, and wasn't high!" Chester said. "I don't know what you were thinking, Man. He would have destroyed you."

I didn't say anything from my set beside Mike as we pulled onto the highway.

"Whatever..." Mike said as he looked out the window, his hands on the headrest in front him, gripping the seat until his knuckles were white.

"What did you take?" Chester asked.

Mike didn't reply, just shook his head.

"What did you take!?" He yelled, his voice getting a growl to it.

"None of you fucking business, Chaz!" He said with sarcasm.

Chester hit the breaks so fast I nearly hit the back of his seat. He got out and walked around to Mike's side of the car. He flung open the door and dragged Mike out by his hair. He lifted Mike up, who was clearly higher then he was at the club, the drugs settling into his system. He turned Mikes head up with one hand and punched him square in the mouth. Sam hopped out of the car then and grabbed Chester. It didn't faze him. He let Mike go, who was in a daze. Chester lifted his fist up in the hair and jumped down, punching the top of Mike's head. Mike took it hard, and hit the ground face first.

"Get up!!" He snarled as he kicked Mike in the gut. Sam was trying to pull him off of Mike all the while. "Get up, mutherfucker! You wanted to fight, let's go!!" He spat. Mike just got on all four, spitting blood as he tried to crawl away.

Chester calmed down and knelt beside Mike, putting his hand on Mike's cheek and lifting his face up so he could see him. He got serious, almost sad. "We aren't doing this again, Mike. Not again... not when the band is doing so good. I won't let you ruin this. Now get up!" He said as he helped him stand to his feet. He got him into the seat beside me, then slammed the door. He walked around and got back in the car and put it in drive, without saying a word. We drove the rest of the way home in silence.

By the time we got there, Mike was out cold, asleep beside me and snoring. He stopped outside our apartment, the car still running.

Sam looked over at him as he looked back at Mike. "Are you still staying the night?" She asked, almost begged.

He looked at Sam, "I don't know, Babe. I should get him home."

"He can stay here, right Anna?" She said as she looked back at me, a pleading look in her eyes.

I rolled mine, "I don't care." I said, opening my door and getting out. The car turned off as I walked to the entrance. I unlocked the door and waited by it as Chester approached dragging Mike behind him. I held the door open as he came through. He dropped him down in the elevator as Sam punched our floor number.

We got him into the room and on the couch where we covered him with a blanket as he snored.

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