
Category Linkin Park

The Vagina Monlogues - Brad's Story by dysthymic

Authors Note

DISCLAIMER: First, I'd like to say that I'm one for pushing the envelope. I like writing stories that aren't of the norm, and test people just a little. It's kind of interesting to see what other people think of the situation at hand, wheither it's abuse of any sorts or the sexuality of others. Although I figure that the caption of 'slash' will get a lot of you guys' attention, this story won't be your typical male/male sex fiend story.

The reason this story is different is because it will discuss Hermaphroditism, which is the reason it's labeled 'The Vagina Monolouges'. Weirdly enough, this idea came to me in my sleep and it continues to come to me. I couldn't get the idea of making it into a story out of my head, so before I went crazy, I started typing it up. Hence what you're about to read.

I don't want you all to be scared to read on because it discusses Hermaphroditism, because it's not the main topic of the story at all. As I've said, I like to push the envelope and this was a good shove if you ask me. But I will say, the only way it will touch Hermaphroditism, is because one person is born with it and that's all. If the idea still freaks you out, then don't bother reading. I know it can be a topic that leaves many people uncomfortable or disgusted.

For those who want to keep reading, thank you. I appriciate you not letting one little thing deter you away from my story. Don't forget to review. :)


PS- Thank you to those who read the bit I put up yesterday. It really fuelled me to keep this story going and add more to Chapter One. I hope you'll all keep reading it.

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