
Category Linkin Park

Playmash.com by Bruschi


“I’m bored.”

Chester looked around at his friends. They paid no attention to him as they focused on the video game in front of them. He sighed loudly.

“I’m bored.”

“We heard you the first time, Chester.”

Mike didn’t take his eyes away from the game as he spoke. Chester hated this. He always hated it when his friends didn’t give him the attention he craved. Whining, he slouched in his seat on the couch in the bus lounge.

“You guys! I’m borrrrrrrred!”

“Shut up, Chester.”

Chester glared at Brad.

“You guys are no fun!”

“Don’t you have your own bus? Why don’t you go be bored there and leave us alone?”

Chester sighed again, getting up and stomping away.

“Fine, Brad. I can tell when I’m not wanted.”

He slammed the door shut behind him and made his way to the front of the bus, spotting Joe on his laptop. He flopped down beside him.

“Hey, Joe.”

Joe didn’t answer.

“I’m bored.”

Again, no response.

“Whatcha doing?”

Chester leaned on Joe’s shoulder looking onto the screen. Joe pushed his head off.

“I’m checking my e-mail. Now if you’ll get off of me...”

Chester pouted and moved to sit down across the table from Joe.

“Everyone’s being mean to me today.”

“Well, maybe if you stopped annoying everyone...”

Joe noticed Chester’s sullen look and felt a twinge of guilt.

“Look, give me five minutes and I’ll play a game with you or something.”

Chester’s face broke into a smile.


Chester stared at Joe expectantly, making Joe unable to concentrate. He sighed.

“Nevermind. What did you want to do?”

“I don’t know. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know.”

Chester grabbed Joe’s computer, turning it so the screen was facing himself. He typed in a address, surprised when it can up as a real site. He read out loud.

“Bored.com...when you have nothing better to do...”

“How appropriate...”

“Hmm, let’s see...”

Chester scrolled down, scanning over the words.

“Ooh, virtual bubble wrap!”

He clicked the link, spent about five seconds popping the virtual bubbles, and was bored again. Joe was relieved, that popping was annoying.


“What’s mash?”

“Joe! You never played mash?”

“No...how do you play?”

“Well, you see, there’s all these different categories like, husband or wife, car, job, and money and all this other stuff, and you fill in a bunch of choices for each and then you pick a number and use it to eliminate the choices until there’s only one for each category.”

“Umm, sounds kind of confusing the way you explained it...”

“It’s not! Wanna play?”

“Sure, okay.”

“Who should we make it about? I say Brad.”

“Okay, that’s fine.”

Chester clicked the link and waited for the page to load. He read the first category.

“First up is girls or boys. We need five people.”


Chester typed it in.

“We need someone bad, someone Brad wouldn’t want to be married to...”

“How about you?”

“Hey, I don’t want to marry Brad! He smells funny.”

“True. Put down Mike...and Rob.”

Chester put down both names. He thought for a moment before adding a fourth name.

“Who did you just put?”

“Michael Jackson.”

Joe cracked up laughing.

“You should put Christina Aguilera down too. He hates her...”

Chester put her name down, looking at the next category.

“Number of kids. I say zero. Nobody will want to have kids with Brad.”

“Michael Jackson might.”

“Eww, Joe! I don’t even want to think about that!”

“Put down ten and thirteen.”


“I just like that number. Put down 666 too.”

“Yeah, because Brad’s children would be the spawn of Satan.”

Chester laughed manically, adding the numbers to the list.

“Just one more...I’ll put one.”

Sounds good. What’s the next section?”


“Hmm, put down a minivan. I’d kill to see Brad driving a minivan. It would be hilarious...”

“With his 666 kids?”

“Hehe, yeah!”

Chester and Joe quickly finished the list of Brad’s possible cars. The final list included the minivan, a motorcycle, a garbage truck, an ice-cream truck, and no car at all. They moved onto the next category: location.

“I say in hell. Put that down, Chester.”

“I’ll write that one down. And I’ll say, in your backyard...”

“Why mine?”

“Who else is crazy enough to let him anywhere near their house?”

“Hmm, I guess. I think he’ll be in Wyoming...or Maine. Nobody will bother him there.”

“Good point. We need one more. Then it’s onto color.”

“Color? For what?”

“I have no idea. Just give me a place...”

“Okay...I say Russia.”

“Sounds good. Now, colors?”

“Hot pink, purple, baby blue, electric yellow, and bright orange. Next category?”

“Well, that one was easy. Okay, next is job.”

“We have to put garbage man and ice-cream man, you know, cuz he has the vehicles.”

“Good, I’m putting down plumber too.”

“Ooh, put down president. Brad for president!”

“I wouldn’t vote for him.”

“Aww, Chester you’re so mean...”

“I know.”

“I think we should put down guitarist too. Is that the last one?”

“Yep. Just need to pick a number now.”


“Alright, let’s see...”

Chester typed in this last bit of information and clicked the “GO!” button. He watched as the pinkish bar ran over the entries, taking forever to eliminate the first one.

“We should have picked a smaller number...”

Joe got up and sat next to Chester, watching the screen. By the time it was finished, over fifteen minutes later, their eyes were glazed over from staring at the screen for too long. Chester shook his head, shaking himself out of his daze before reading over the results.

“Brad will be married to Mike, have 13 kids, will drive a motorcycle, and be a guitarist living in a hot pink apartment in Joe Hahn’s backyard!”

Chester and Joe were laughing at these results rather loudly, bring the rest of their friends out to see what was going on.

“So Brad, when are you and Mike getting married?”

“Huh? Chester, what the hell are you talking about?”

“You and Mike are getting married!”

Joe chimed in.

“Brad and Mike sitting in a tree...”

“Joe, shut it!”

Phoenix sat down opposite Joe and Chester.

“What are you two doing?”

“We’re playing mash!”

“Ohh, cool! I remember that game. Can I play?”

“Okay, we just did Brad. Who should we do next?”


I need suggestions for the categories for the other guys if you want to leave some suggestions in a review. I don't know who is next yet so anyone you want to suggest stuff for is good (except Brad obviously). And if you decide to try this game for yourself, don't pick a number as high as 666, it took forever!

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