
Category Linkin Park

They Said What? by dark-golliwog


Hehehehe, i'm all into Interactive stuff atm! I'm gonna start another thing soon, which is (of course) another LP story, but I don't decide what happens, the people that review do. (Yay! Interactive-ness!) But i'll explain that more when I get to it.

This isn't actually a story, it's more like a interview. With you as the interviewer's and me as Linkin Park (A.k.a The Interviewee's) This chappi is just explaining and rules and suchlike.

If you're still confused I'll show you something that I did a while ago, when I was all obssessed with The Lord of the Rings, and I made a Lord of the Rings interview sort of thing, in which people e-mailed me questions and I had the fellowship answer them.

Seth would like to know:

Do you have a spoon?

Boromir: *Looks sadly at his fork*

Pippin: Ooh!! I have a spoon!! *Holds up knife* See!!!

Legolas: That's a knife..

Merry: *Holds out spoon* THIS is a spoon!

Pippin: *Stares in wonder at the spoon* oooo!

Gandalf: I think the question here is, do YOU have a spoon?

Midge wants to ask:

Have any of you ever been to wales?

Pippin: *Blank look*

Frodo: Where the heck is Whales?

Boromir: Errrr!!! Frodo said heck! Frodo said heck!

Gandalf: It's not 'Whales' It's 'Wales' It says so in the question see

Legolas: It sounds fishy to me

Aragorn: I've never been there and i'm a ranger, i'm supposed to go places

Pippin: This looks like a job for Location Location Location!

Merry: Or not..

So you see, it's kinda simple actually.

All you guys have to do is review. Not necessarily saying "Wow, this is a wicked idea!!" or "This is LAME!!" You can just ask the question if you want. But I must insist on a few rules.

1. You must obey ME!! (My fave) =D

No, just kidding, here are the real rules.

1. You MUST understand that this is purely fictional and Linkin Park are not really answering these questions.

2. Try not to ask a question that's already been asked, otherwise the guys will get bored and try to take over cheese factories

3. Be as creative as possible

4. No questions that are racist or insult anybody in anyway

5. Try not to comment on Remy, as Joe may go mad O.o;

6. Please say who is asking the question (As in - put down the name that you want to be known as)

And that's it. So i'm gonna see where this thing goes, lol, It's just an idea off the top of my head, so if it flunks and it sucks and everybody hates it, I won't mind 'cause I'll always have my MSN chats to fall back on =D. (Which - by the way, has completely shattered my record for reviews, lol. It was 333!)

So enjoy, and remember. This is fictional, I do not own any of the guys in Linkin Park!

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