
Category Linkin Park

Rainy night. by ironspiral

So this is something that just came in my mind and i needed to write it down. i hope you'll enjoy.

Chester's POV.


I hug my knees tighter against my sore chest, sore from all the crying. I honestly think i have never cried that much, i thought i would end up running out of tears of something but the pain almost became physical. Now i think i just don't care anymore, i'm just so tired. I used to know how to smile, how to laugh, I used to be alive.

Even on drugs, as an addict desperatly trying to stop i used to believe i could get out of anything. Tonight all i see is a dead-end.

I tried, really I did, of course, i felt i was becoming somebody else, of course i knew i had to snape out of it before depression got the best of me, but somehow I couldn't. It's getting darker and darker, the rain's falling so hard and cold it almost hurts but i love it, i love the way it burns my skin. I'm wet, huddled on a wooden bench in a beautiful, deserted park.

A cough escapes me in the middle of my violent sobs, i'm probably getting sick. Who fucking cares ?

I slowly rise my tears-covered face from my arm towards the sky.

Not a single star, just rain, falling and falling, rain mixing with tears on my cheeks, rain washing away my last flicker of hope.

Happiness,happiness...I waited for it so long, so patiently, always telling myself it would come. Seems like that fucker isn't given that easily.

I shiver like never before, i put my head back in my arms, hugging my knees even tighter, maybe trying to procure myself some warmth.

I don't sob anymore, maybe i'm just too tired, i'm crying silently.

For the last time i wish somebody could hold me close and whisper to me that everything would be alright, in that soothing tone that would dry up my tears. Only there's no arms to wrap themselves around me tonight, no gentle voice, nobody, just me the rain and an old, used bench.

I close my eyes, anyway with all those tears i couldn't see a tree in a forest.

i'm so sure of being alone i don't hear the footsteps coming closer.

Even when i hear it i'm not moving from my position, i'm not stopping to cry, truth be told i don't give a damn.

It's only when a large hand came on my shoulder that i pay attention enough to notice that a soft voice is telling me that i shouldn't stay out in the rain. It sounds so ridiculous to me suddenly that i laugh, the saddest laugh i ever heard myself, a tearful laugh, sounding like a loud sob.

I look at the man, tall, black hair, with a very pale skin, and for a moment i don't cry, i just look at him, my probably red eyes meeting his brown ones.

' Do you need help ?' He asked in the softer voice i ever heard.

And i'm crying again, not as hard, but tears are sliding down my face again. Do I need help ? Maybe. Do i want somebody to be there ? Maybe

I don't really know why but when the man extends his hand toward me i take it, and I squeeze it so tight it probably hurts, like it could express all the pain i feel so he can take it all away.

Have you guessed it was Rob coming to offer his help to Chester ?

Well i know it wasn't obvious at all but the tall man was Rob XD

That was a oneshot so i let you imagine how the two of them end up. If Rob could give Chester the love and happiness he never had.

Thanks for reading.

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