
Category Linkin Park

Darkened Mirror by L~T

Darkened Mirror

~~ Okay so...Linkin~Theory here lol I have decided to dress up my pen name for Halloween (nerd? Yes) I figured, what's scarier than slash that isn't written properly? Haha. Anyway, here is a short little fic I wrote today based on a dream I had last night. It was fucking disturbing and scared the living shit out of me. I own nothing but the dream so please don't sue. I hope you enjoy! :) ~~

It just appeared out of nowhere.

All eyes were quickly drawn to its hypnotically unmoving form, simply hovering over all corners of the Earth in every sky. Some would have considered it to be a giant mirror without a frame and invisible glass. All that remained was the ominous blue glow from a seemingly eerie reflection of the Earth itself.

It was about four times the size of the moon and appeared solid; silent. Every continent was visible beneath swimming translucent clouds and the deep navy of its oceans were comparable to the actual flowing waters below on the ever constant land mass that each Human called home. While most considered it to be a gift – the opportunity to see the Earth as a vast reflection among the sky – some hid beneath the roofs of their homes.

Mike was one of those few.

He could not explain why a swirling ball which seemed to be an exact replica of his own home planet was now hovering innocently among the rich blue sky. Should one even be able to see such a reflection? Was it a reflection or simply a manufactured replica of Earth the size of four large moons?

Mike hated it.

Feared it.

Felt as if it would one day drop and crush all the screaming little bodies beneath it.

However, none of his friends seemed to share his shaking thoughts. Chester simply took a long drag from his cigarette and blew the smoke into the sky, watching it curl around the blue giant above. Mike stepped onto the patio and craned his neck away from the terrifying sight, feeling a deep shiver warm his muscles.

“ You finally decide to join the rest of the world out here?”

Despite the fact that he was still staring at Chester, Brad was the one who had spoken. It’s not that Mike didn’t want to join his friends outside on the deck, he just could not keep his heart from trembling violently with fear every time he looked up into the sky and saw that…thing staring down at him like an evil twin.

He simply could not figure out why no one else was affected by its absurdity. Why the hell was it here? What did it mean?

“ Maybe its aliens.”

Thank you, Chester. Thank you for making so much sense in a time of absolute confusion.

“ Then where’s the spaceship?” Joe suddenly asked, leaning forward while picking at his freshly barbequed burger.

“ Maybe that is the spaceship.” Chester retorted, obviously pissed off that Joe would even say those words. It was quite obvious – to Chester anyway – that the aliens decided to create an exact replica of Earth in order to perhaps build their own planet to the exact specifications of our perfect little world. Perhaps they were showing us?

“ Dude, it’s not an alien. It’s NASA. Dammit, how many times do I have to tell you this?” Rob demanded, cramming a fry into his hungry mouth. Mike sighed heavily while the never ending discussions continued and sat down beside Brad, picking a chip off of his paper plate.

“ Why would NASA need to build a giant Earth?” Dave asked innocently, seeming genuinely confused and yet convincingly interested in the subject. Mike had never known him to be fascinated with this kind of talk. It was irrelevant. Who the hell cares what it is? It’s bad, and that’s it.

“ They didn’t. It’s a mirror.” Rob stated matter-of-factly. He seemed so sure and yet there was no proof.

“ Must be a big ass mirror, then. How come the sun doesn’t reflect off the glass?” Joe asked with a full mouth, swallowing a few chunks of meat before continuing. “ And how did they get it all the way up there?”

Before Mike had the opportunity of a lifetime to hear the answer, he got up and marched into the kitchen hoping that all this nonsense would end. He hoped that…whateverthehell it was up there would end. It wasn’t normal. How come no one wanted to see that?

Flying saucers – everyone was freaked of those damn things.

A giant hovering replicate of the Earth that just happened to appear out of nowhere with no obvious use or explanation – everyone accepted it as part of their lives and permanent scenery.

No one questioned its potential danger. No one sent jets up to observe it as they normally would during an event that involved a non-threatening object that the military considered a ‘probable threat’. It was as if no one cared. Mike stared down at the clear sink water he had been washing several dishes in and blinked slowly at the sluggish moving shadow in the shape of a gazing eye. He briefly considered closing the blinds but then, would it really help? He would still know of its existence and even then, he would probably become even more paranoid from not keeping an eye on the damn thing.

Weeks went by and still, the glowing blue orb continued its watch above mankind. Across the world, news channels covered the story on a daily basis, zooming up on the dark patched land of identical continents noting that they consisted only of vegetation and geological objects. A primitive Earth? Not even the small outline of North America was filled with identical little people.

There was no one. The replica was empty. That was the consensus until some had begun to stare up at the mini planet with binoculars during the evening. In the pitch darkness of midnight, minute glowing lights were seen among the twin planet – indicating perhaps there was supposed to be a population of some kind However, upon further investigation, no evidence of life was found.

A few days later, another shocking discovery was made. Not among the planet, no but beside it. On either side of the globe revealed two small asteroids – frozen with their flaming tails behind them. Not one person spoke of them. Explanations stayed silent. Billions of eyes slowly began to stare up at the skies with reluctance and apprehension. Scientists attempted to decipher what they were seeing but in the end, there was no enlightenment.

Mike simply peered between the curtains as night began to cool the Earth and squinted up at the tiny sparkling lights among the twin. Something was not right. Why the asteroids? And why were they stationary? The brittle flames of their tails sparkled as if the ice of space was suddenly on fire but could not flick its heated tongue. A cold chill of dread ran down Mike’s spine as he could no longer deny the fear this pre-apocalyptic view elicited.

“ Come to bed, already.”

The annoyance in Brad’s tone signaled to his lover of the irritation his presence being by the window caused. Mike swallowed hard and turned his back on the staring Earth above.

“ Aren’t you scared?”

“ Of what?”

“ That this could be bad.”

Brad let out a sleepy sigh and lifted his head from the pillow as Mike lied down beside him cautiously.

“ If something was going to happen, it would have happened already.” Such comforting words. Only Mike did not take them to heart and felt no ease from Brad’s indifference.

“ Maybe its waiting. Maybe it’s giving us a chance to do something before it does something.” Mike suggested, hoping Brad would at least listen to his worries instead of dismissing it like the rest of his friends.

“ Do what? What exactly are we supposed to do?”

“ I don’t know. Maybe it’s angry.”

“ What exactly is ‘it’.” Brad demanded, becoming fully pissed now, wishing his boyfriend would just drop it. It appeared, it stayed and there was nothing they could do about it. Mike lowered his eyes and forced a glare to crease his brow.

“ This isn’t right.”

“ I agree…now go to sleep.” Brad hissed out, flopping back down against his pillow.

“ That’s not what I mea-.”

“ –I know it’s not what you meant. I just don’t want to hear about this so-called fucking apocalypse anymore. It’s done, Mike. Let it go.”

That night, Mike fell into an uneasy sleep and had terrible nightmares – each one more disturbing than the last. Somehow his unconscious mind was whispering to him…whispering that this was not done. There would be no end to his fear. There would be no peace in his heart.

This was just the beginning.

As the days continued, there was an eerie stillness across the land. The once magnificently rich blue sky had somehow morphed into a veil of darkened orange, streaked by glaringly black clouds which thundered and flashed as if the rain could no longer sustain itself in the air. While the skies became angry and shaded, the glowing twin above burned brighter than before and the vast oceans among it could be seen dancing and thrashing in circles.

It was then that the fiery tails of the asteroids began to move – slowly at first and then rapidly in greedy flames, sucking the oxygen from the sky around them. Mike peered out his kitchen window and clamped his hands tightly to the edge of the counter until his knuckles became white.

He had warned Brad not to go out today but that idiot was fucking stubborn, telling him the dog needed a walk. Mike figured it was just Brad who needed the walk…away from his paranoid boyfriend. A shaky sigh escaped his chest as he watched the burning asteroids, still unmoving yet demonically active.

Then it happened.

He had turned around only for a moment to put his glass of water on the kitchen table when a high pitched whistle shook the windows and caused him to drop the glass among the floor. The shattered bits barely smacked the ground before the entire house shifted beneath a seemingly immense force. Mike fell to the ground hard as the chairs around him began to collapse and the windows cracked and flowed over the counter like water.

The frightened man pulled his arms over his head and felt the glass scraping him with each shake of the house until he was violently slammed into the opposite wall. The floor continued to shift, causing the walls to creak and groan painfully. Mike felt a burning sensation in his eyes and realized that they were tears and that his roof was gone. Torn off. Smoldering. It took him several minutes to finally pull his body off the wall…which was now sitting at an angle within the ground.

The sight was hellish.

Blazing tails of smoke ripped through the air and created deep canyons around him as he walked barefoot through the mud. Dirt and soot stuck to his damp skin while each of his muscles begged for rest. The atmosphere around him was distorted by the heat of a now flaming Earth and he suddenly lost balance, only to collapse beside the rotting stench of a crisp human. Mike blinked rapidly through the heat and stared down into those wide open eyes, knowing exactly who it was.

His hair had been charred off and his face was ripped beyond recognition. Mike allowed his eyes to fall with an immense sense of sorrow and terror, briefly flicking his vision towards the ribbed and melted dog beside him. It wasn’t long before he heard the twisted metal of the buildings around him screech, being bent and dented by the swallowing flames within the air. Mike looked up into the sky, seeing the colossal blue globe twirling slowly as if in some constant, invisible orbit.

The reflection had remained the same. There were no flames among the blue. Only among the already dead below and the dying who clawed at the dirt with deafening screams. Mike breathed in the super-heated air and felt the flames tugging and snarling against his skin, ripping away the once flawless flesh.

The last piece of consciousness that had been left to him, was that of the sound of heavy wind and the sight of a growling reflection – distorted yet unchanging…watching and smiling over a skeletal shadow.

~~ Thank you for reading my twisted, fucked up dream. Review? It would be greatly appreciated. <3 :) ~~

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