

White Crane (tears are gonna fall) by FyrMaiden

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From: dark_red

Date: 2011-02-14

Chapter: 1

The first two paragraphs of this really hooked me, because I love the multiple facets of Chester's character that are remembered. He is a heavy, emotional, affectionate presence in death, but seemingly in the same breath, Dave recalls what a good fuck he was. This continues throughout the story, as the guys remember him for his faults and perfections, laying out the most three-dimensional character in the whole piece, who is, ironically, not alive.

As for the effect of Chester's death on the rest of the band, there's a bit of dissatisfaction among them that he was stretched too thin in life to be much of a memory to them in death. He loved many, leaving them all belatedly questioning what exactly they did have together, and it's a little sad to see them all grasping onto something they can't even make sense of.

The ending with Rob was something I expected, but you wrote it brilliantly and I was quite struck by it. Great piece, overall, and great to see you back here. Because seriously? If you're back, then I'm motherfucking back too. B)

From: TYshangshan

Date: 2011-02-11

Chapter: 1

Amazing work...O-O...im speechless, whoa...feeling so deep, cold and quiet, kinda horror but guys cant live without this, without chester. and i love the last part when chester speak again. whoa... really GREAT work. love it.

From: PaperWulf

Date: 2011-02-11

Chapter: 1

Omg... are you back? Like, really back? My pen name back in your day was Shadow Star. I can't begin to tell you how AWESOME it is to see someone from my past!!

This story gave me chills! It's like.. Chester's alive yet he's dead as a ghost. I couldn't imagine having someone I love or care for deeply *linger* around like that.. it would just remind me over and over again of the loss. *shivers* Great story! I'm so glad you're back!!!!

From: ebony_miasma

Date: 2011-02-10

Chapter: 1

First of all, let me say how excited I was (and still am) to see your name on the page. Just...wow. I had re-read a standalone of yours not too long ago! I'm getting a flashback to when I first started reading LP fics.

Anyway, I just had to say that I loved this. I would say more, but I haven't much time. If I don't review right now, it'll slip my mind. Bittersweet endings, to me, are always satisfying. Chester as a ghost, never really leaving anyone's side, well...haunted me (bad pun intended). He was always there and he never left, maybe because of the impact he had on others. And Rob at the end....whoa. This, as always, was beautiful.

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