

Enslaved by FyrMaiden

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From: Fire

Date: 2005-02-16

Chapter: 1

A new stylistic approach to fanfiction a la fyrmaiden.

In conformity with Schopenhauer’s theory where past and future are one and the same notion, thinking that both have been “present” at one time, the text has an almost unnoticeable time, an immaterial time, almost impossible to perceive due to the concentrating on action and not clear description of physical characteristics as time itself moves on.

We’re faced with a mashed-up chronology given by the stream of consciousness. The reader is given a puzzle his supposed to solve. In this exact way of presenting the text he is left mesmerized and lets himself be put into this game of controlling the time flow. I myself am part of this category :). After reading the text 2 times and formed my own ideas about it I opened a new Word document in which I basically collated the separate parts corresponding to their respective time periods and came out with the result of the correct general image.

The fic presents the main character’s lucid analysis of the couple relationship between him and his partner along time.

The main idea is axed on the two major existential periods of man: youth and adulthood (followed by surfeit and decay).

Despite of the fact that purely on a text level we’re faced with Chester’s subjective and distorted image, we can still base on it since we consider the lucidity of age and post-analysis of the happenings. Chester proves to be a young spirit even now left unadapted to the condition/life of the adult man and the set of the thereby understated responsibilities. His reaction is tragic, at a spiritual level by that meaning surfeit and melancholy.

The couple relationship is an evolutive moment for any human being. Passing to maturity means: routine, responsibility, peaceful living (lacking the decadent parties of the youth), order and new sets of rules, devotion – all which sum up to a strange, alien and toxic medium for Chester’s spirit.

The compromise made for his relationship with Brad gains the dimensions of a self-sacrifice.

My only critical remarks would be concerning the portrayal of the two charcaters, Joe and rob. We all know that in LP fanfiction they both are part of that set of avoided characters, underdeveloped as typology and i think they were given a label they don’t necessary deserve.

Note: sorry, dear, but this was one of my best analysis for someone else's fanfiction, I find it difficult to try to write here something else, so I'm truly sorry. *kind smile*

From: Claire

Email: rock_rose17@hotmail.com

Date: 2004-12-28

Chapter: ?


that was so beautiful. I cant get over how sad and touching it is. You've actually made me cry, that bit that goes something like "i wonder if perhaps we've died"....that...just wow.

Im so lost for words right now! It was beautifully written, the use of present tense made it seem more real, and increased the empathetic reaction. Jeez, that was just so...touching. Theres no other word for it.

You are truely talented, if you ever stop writing i will hunt you down, chain you to a computer and never let you move until you'd written a million stories :P. This story is beautful. I love it!


From: alphab

Date: 2004-12-25

Chapter: ?

You've somehow found a way to give heft to emptiness, the weight of it overwhelms me in the most beautifully horrific way. Wonderful, but powerfully dark story. Your talent is truly amazing. : )

From: Pili


Date: 2004-12-25

Chapter: ?

Amazing story :) I usually only read M/C..but being you, and loving the way you write, of course i had to do. And of course, i only can say how much i liked it. :) :)



Date: 2004-12-24

Chapter: ?

that was fucking beautiful

completely fucking original

i fucking loved it

*adds to favourites*

From: darkshines

Date: 2004-12-24

Chapter: ?

I never manage to review anything you write because I never know what to say. You always leave me completely speechless.

You just are the goddess of LP fiction.

And this is definitely going on my favourites.

From: AmethystAngel

Date: 2004-12-24

Chapter: ?

Holy shit. Just...holy shit. Once I recover maybe I can review. Until then....holy shit.

Reviews 1 to 7 of 7