

Damaged Shadow by FyrMaiden

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From: twilight

Date: 2004-09-26

Chapter: 1

Jesus, you truly leave me speechless. This magnificent writing had me in tears. Every emotions was so real. I cant explain how beautiful your writing is, i dont have the words or the sentiments to explain, but i simply want to thank you for writing it.

From: Hyperactive[DelsonFro]

Date: 2004-09-26

Chapter: 1

Oh, wow. That was...........wow. Awesome.

From: decadence decays


Date: 2004-09-26

Chapter: 1

As Yasmin said: How can people review your stuff? How can anyone apply words to this that are worthy?

This story deserves reviews from every single person who has read it, and yet it's so difficult to find something to say beyond 'amazing' or 'beautiful'. Those apply, they just fall far short of your work. You've managed to capture Chester in a way that is so vivid that it's hard to imagine him not being exactly as you've described him. The small mentions of Mike, and what you learn about Phoenix as he tells the story ring equally true. This is the universe of LP as it simply *must* be. Yes, the story is sad, and yet at the same time there is a flicker of hope that runs through it. Not hope for Chester, because we know he can't survive, but hope for the world that such people walk among us, giving us their strength. I love everything that I've ever read of yours and this is no exception. Powerful, poignant and moving.

And I still feel like I've diminished your story by not having appropriate words to praise it with.

From: Yasmin


Date: 2004-09-25

Chapter: 1

Okay I'm sitting here crying and once again, Kim, you have managed to render me speechless. How can people review your stuff? How can anyone apply words to this that are worthy? I feel inadequate when it comes to reviewing, because I know you deserve 93457267583645892639 pages of review, but I am hard pressed to come up with an entire paragraph.

I am such a loser. Every time, I am like, "I'M GOING TO WRITE YOU A REALLY LONG REVIEW AND STUFF SFKJSF OMG!!!11one!1" but I never do.

I don't have the words, and I don't have the depth. You hit a part of me that is so deep down that I cannot even comprehend, let alone convey the type of feelings your writing evokes.

So once again, I leave you with a review that is so inadequate, and with hope of next time being able to write you a review that is worthy.


From: cRiSpY cReAm


Date: 2004-09-25

Chapter: 1

holly shit..that was the most saddest thing i have ever read...if chester or ANy of the guys got fatilly ill i would deff cry n send them stuff..wow it was awsome..congrats..adios...-crys-

From: Vampire Princess

Date: 2004-09-25

Chapter: 1

Freaking sad...

From: SpikeMinoda

Email: notloggedin

Date: 2004-09-25

Chapter: ?

awww man...that was so flippin sad *sniff* Poor Chester *hugs chester doll* That was a really sweet fic. I loved it. ^.^

Reviews 1 to 7 of 7