
Author Profile

Pen Name: DeMoNiC_aNGeL

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DeMoNiC_aNGeL’s favorite stories


Name: Brad

Alias: Jhonson, Demonic Angel, Big Bad B-Rad, B-Rizzle Dizzle, Lovely Lumps, B-Rad, Big Daffney, Ethan Toxic and occasionally Kronic (Oh and now I'm also Morgan Warner)

Age: 18

From: The Donkey Show

Favorite Kind of Fics: The only pairing I agree with is Mike/Chester. I like AU fics more than anything as it gives the writer a chance to create their own characters out of Mike and Chester (and whomever else) instead of just simply state that these are two guys in a band that like to have sex...

Favorite Bands: KiTTiE, Jack Off Jill, Orgy, Scarling, My Ruin, In This Moment, Alanis Morissette, Grey Daze, (old) Linkin Park, Kina, Res, Spice Girls, Vitamin C, Suicide City, Dresden Dolls, 311, Tatu, and a few others thrown in there...

Little Aboot Meh: Sometimes I'm addicted to fanfic. I Roleplay in a Wrestling eFederation called the WFWF as Kronic & Vivica. I like to watch wrestling {not really anymore} because I love Women Wrestlers. The good ones are so inspirational. I used to follow this guy at my school around and take pictures of him. I'm nostalgic time 3048 1/2

I do not have two tumored hands no matter how many times I say it. I want to visit Minnesota, England, and Canada. Maybe one day I'll become a writer. I'm scrawny, but I want to wrestle {women}. No, I'm not a sick, perverted guy that wants to roll around on a girl. I'm gay and I like women that can beat the hell out of guys, call me crazy but I find that so amazing. I don't even like Linkin Park {that much, anymore}. I can't stand the Meteora CD...it was so whiney/repetive/sell outish/dull/fake/annoying/crusty. I'm scared of the fact that they're making a new CD. I wish Grey Daze would've stayed together. I have my lip and eyebrow pierced. {oooh...I'm Hardcore}. I'm a compulsive quitter. I have a really big nose. :-(

***Thank You to authors such as MissB, Kristie, Shinobi, Mu5ic Bitch, Nef, etc. for writing the greatest stories on here! {If anyone knows where this fic called High School Blues is...PLEASE send it to me and I'll give you a great big hug!}