
Author Profile

Pen Name: schlaegt_links

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schlaegt_links’s favorite stories


Uh, I write.

So I state the obvious - sue me.

My personal LiveJournal account : http://www.livejournal.com/users/schlaegt_links

My writing LiveJournal account : http://www.livejournal.com/users/mich_blendet

Oh. And go read cm's fics here: http://lpfiction.com/profile.php?id=2050

Her writing style is unparalleled.

So I shall give credit, where credit is due.


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Category: Linkin Park

Description: [Slash - M/C; M/B] Mike finds out that revenge isn't as sweet as he imagined.

Genre: Angst

User Rating: NC-17

Created on 2004-07-27

Updated on 2004-08-15

Chapters: 7

Reviews: 89

Words: 84

Views: 4957

Members Rating: (9)

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